Hanna Wildman

Artist Statement

In a world that is often overwhelming and chaotic, there is hope, love, and beauty that still permeates the everyday. In a flow of instinctual brushstrokes and gestures, I unveil the positivity that exists among us. Channeling higher frequencies of optimism, joy, and freedom I create a whimsical and otherworldly aura of my work that compels viewers to look deeper, inviting us to connect with my soulful abstracts.

A self-taught artist, my practice coalesces an array of mediums. While my practice is based in acrylics, I take on a mixed media and collage-style process that brings together oil pastels, spray paints, coloured pencils, and paper. Working in an intuitive manner, I allow my senses and emotions to guide the work. In a visually manifested stream of consciousness, my hand reaches for whichever medium calls to me. 

In this vein, my work is deeply inspired by design, music, fashion, and graffiti, incorporating seemingly disparate elements. Bold gestural marks combine with scripts of text, symbolic totems, and peculiar shapes. These vibrant elements shine among my often muted backgrounds. Adding and subtracting, layering, and excavating, I use my tools to give each artwork to reveal itself in its own time. Each action builds and reacts to the previous, embracing the beauty of failure and the thrill of spontaneity. 

In my abstractions, I create a spiritual and sentimental visual language. In the unusual forms and ethereal atmosphere, I find I am able to articulate the intangible and the internalized. The act of creation becomes an act of catharsis. From the madness and uncertainty of the world, I have discovered an uncanny ability to be profoundly personal while deeply resonating with others. Igniting the joy through visual sensation, I bring together a message of love, peace, and freedom met with an inspirational, raw, rebellious spirit of defying expectation. 

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